Tuesday, September 21, 2021

 Hello Everyone,

Today was a wonderful day.
Today we:
   *learned about Short i and read words with Short i
   *went to Music Class
   *read a book about a principal who wanted students to go to school everyday of the week, holidays, and all summer
   *talked about numbers one more and one fewer than numbers 1-12
   *wrote addition number sentences
   *discussed the special gifts God gave us and that he will love us ALWAYS
   *talked about friends and what makes them feel good or sad

Today's homework is:

Reading-word list paper U1-L2 lines 1-5
Math-wkbk p. 5
Spelling-write sentences for words 1-5 (If your child needs help spelling words you may help them. Ex.: I am at the park. They may need help with the word 'park.' Remind them that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period if it is a telling sentence.)

*Your child will have a Short Vowel Detective paper in their HW folder. We are going to be looking for Short a (like in apple) words this week. We will write some in school. See if you can find some words in books you read to them, books they read, and other places where they are seeing printed words with a Short a sound. They do not have to do this all in one night. They do not have to fill in every line. They just need to be looking and listening for Short a words around them. I will collect it on Monday. We will be doing this every week but with a different sound.

Thank you for all your help.
Mrs. Asaro