Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29 Friday

Good morning!! Happy FRIDAY!!!

Please email me by 10:00AM so I can take and submit attendance.

Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost.
It has been 50 days since Easter Sunday!!
We think of Pentecost as the Birthday of the Church.

Let’s begin our day with prayer.

Come Holy Spirit and let
Your knowledge and understanding
Help us to be
Caring of one another.

Here is a short video to watch about Pentecost

and here is a cute song about Pentecost

Page  286   Sort It Out
*read words in the yellow box

*point out all words belonging to the –arm, art, and-ark families

*write –arm family words in the 1st box, the –art family words in the 2nd box, and the –ark family words in the 3rd box

*answer question (When the letter ‘r’ follows a vowel, it is not a long vowel sound or a short vowel sound. It has its own sound like in arm or star.)

Page 287   Think and Write
*say each picture name

*write the spelling for each sound in a separate box

Listen and Spell
*have your child write each word and sentence

        1  car                       2  hard
        3  farm                    4 mark
        5  the park is far away.

***Please send me a picture of page 287.***

Page 288 Make New Words
*make new words with ar spellings

(When we do this at school they have alphabet tiles or flashcards. You can also make a template on paper or a whiteboard with ar families and have your child add letters to make words.)

***Please send me a picture of page 288.***

Take a break and do some yoga poses

READING        8:55 Reading Lesson with Mrs. Asaro

*have your animal paper
*please sign in at 10:27ish so we can be ready to start at 8:55

Page 417-418  Feet
*read information inside the blue rope

*show your child a 12 inch ruler and compare it to things around your house that are:
                        less than 1 foot
                        about 1 foot
                        more than 1 foot

*think about the pictures of real objects

*decide if they are:
        less than 1 foot
        about 1 foot
        more than 1 foot

*do questions #1-9

questions #10-12
*discuss whether you would measure these real objects in feet or inches (10-inches; 11-feet; 12-feet)

Do You Remember
questions #13-15
*write the times

*observe sea otters on live webcam at:


*please read, listen to, or watch a video about sea otter on EPIC!  

*draw what you see and the complete sentence

***Please send me a picture of the Observe Sea Otters! paper.***

We have World Language Class with Mrs. Viganola at 11:00. She is doing a Zoom Lesson today.

*please sign on at about 11:28ish so we are ready to start at 11:30
*please have:
·       your sign for your Buddy
·       Rosary Beads
·       Coloring sheet

Try to watch Mass on Sunday and we will be united in prayer.

Have a marvelous weekend!